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Air quality expert to debunk environmental myths

April 3, 2018  by Manure Manager magazine

Frank Mitloehner, PhD, to speak the Animal Agriculture Alliance's 2018 Stakeholders Summit, set for May 3-4 in Arlington, Va.

Arlington, Virginia – Frank Mitloehner, PhD, will debunk myths about animal agriculture’s environmental impact at the Animal Agriculture Alliance’s 2018 Stakeholders Summit, set for May 3-4, at the Renaissance Capital View Hotel in Arlington, Va.

Mitloehner is a professor and extension air quality specialist in the Department of Animal Science at the University of California, Davis. He is an expert on agricultural air quality, livestock housing and husbandry. Overall, he conducts research that is directly relevant to understanding and mitigating of air emissions from livestock operations, as well as the implications of these emissions for the health and safety of farm workers and neighboring communities.

“There is a lot of misinformation about how much animal agriculture actually contributes to the nation’s greenhouse gas emissions and overall environmental impact,” said Kay Johnson Smith, Alliance president and CEO. “With the industry’s commitment to continuous improvement, Summit attendees will find Mitloehner’s research enlightening and refreshing.”

The Alliance also announced that the Summit has been approved for eight continuing education credits by the American Registry of Professional Animal Scientists. ARPAS members in attendance can request credit using or by contacting Cornicha Henderson at

To register, visit Be sure to check the Summit website for the most up-to-date Summit information. You can also follow the hashtags #AAA18 and #ProtectYourRoots for periodic updates about the event. For general questions about the Summit please contact or call (703) 562-5160.


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