Aug. 28, 2009 – A proposed rule by the Idaho State Department of Agriculture governing
setbacks on agricultural waste — such as manure, whey, compost, mint
tailings, and cull onions and potatoes — has been narrowed in scope to
apply only to livestock manure.
Aug. 28, 2009 – That focus is the result of meetings held earlier this month aimed
at addressing complaints to the state ag department, the majority of
which involved manure, said Marv Patten, chief of the agency's Dairy
The final proposed rule also waters down original oversight, which
would have required Department of Agriculture approval of location,
design and operation of the storage site and notification of planned
storage. The newest proposal also lessens the initially propose setback
from a dwelling from 500 feet to 300 feet and drops a proposed 500-foot
setback from a property line, but adds a 50-foot setback from a public
highway. | READ MORE